Students interested in pursuing Honors Senior Thesis research in the Jeffries lab are typically required to commit to a minimum of three semesters (10 hours/week) and one summer (20 hours/week) to complete their research projects. Students can recieve up to six credit hours for their efforts by enrolling in Biol 40900 (Independent Research) and Biol 40033 (Senior Honors Research in Biology). Students typically spend their first semester in the laboratory learning basic laboratory skills, becoming familiar with the various types of research projects being conducted in the laboratory, and identifying potential research questions of interest. During this first semester, students are required to write and submit a proposal to TCU's SERC grant program or to the JV Roach Honors College undergraduate research grant program. Students then spend one to three semesters, depending upon the scope and breadth of the project, conducting their proposed research and one semester writing their Senior Thesis and related manuscript for journal submission. Students are also expected to present a poster at TCU's annual Student Research Symposium and an oral presentation during Honors Week. Senior Thesis guidelines are available here.
If you are interested in conducting your Honors Senior Thesis research in the Jeffries lab, please complete this application form and return it to Dr. J via email at [email protected], along with a resume or CV and a brief statement describing your career goals and research interests.
If you are interested in conducting your Honors Senior Thesis research in the Jeffries lab, please complete this application form and return it to Dr. J via email at [email protected], along with a resume or CV and a brief statement describing your career goals and research interests.